Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Perfect Way To Relax

It's that time of year again! The time where magic comes to life! So you better dust off that Santa hat and get into the Christmas spirit! I know I know, I'm *"pre- jingling", but being a student with impending exams I need to take my mind off study for a while and what better way to do it than with a lovely glass of hot mulled wine. 
Mulled wine is the perfect drink after a long hard day at work or university. For me it is just what I need to home to after freezing my nose off in the bitter winter wind and also to take my mind off study, if only for an hour.
If you don't want to have the alcoholic version you can swap the wine for juice such as cranberry instead.

Mulled Wine:
  • One bottle (750 mL) of red wine (of your choice; merlot, rioja, etc.)
  • One peeled and sliced orange (you can keep the peel and add to the pot for extra flavour)
  • 1/4 cup of brandy
  • Around 10 cloves
  • 2/3 tbsp honey or sugar (or how much you would like for your taste)
  • 3/4 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tsp fresh or 2 tsp ground ginger 
All you need to do then is add all the ingredients to a large saucepan and heat until nearing boiling point. Make sure you don't boil it as it will burn off the alcohol! Heat for around 20 minutes while stirring occasionally. Make sure the honey or sugar has fully dissolved and when it is steaming it is ready. And voilĂ ! Your mulled wine is ready for you to enjoy, just pour into glasses, sit back and relax.
Even if mulled wine isn't to your taste the smell in your kitchen will be devine! And it will continue to waft through the entire house, almost as if Christmas is gently floating through.

The Easy Peasy Way:

If you want to make this super quick, all you need to do is head to the shop and look for Schwartz Mulled Wine Spice. It contains 6 sachets of mixed spice and all you have to do is pop 2 sachets with your wine into a saucepan and heat like before. You can add slices of orange and even apple if you wish while it is cooking.
The instructions on the packet say to add water but I feel that would somewhat weaken the flavour so I would advise to leave it out. 

And there you have it! Quick and simple recipes for the perfect Mulled Wine. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I did!
Happy "Pre- Jingling"!


*"pre- jingling" is celebrating Christmas way before it's even close to Christmas, so basically decorating your house in November or if you are an ultimate Christmas person straight after Halloween. 

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